Saturday, October 9, 2010
New Cookbook!!!
Since my last post my sister has also decided to cut meat, dairy, eggs, and fish out of her diet. She lost ten pounds but has now dicovered the world of vegan "fun" foods and is dicouraged at gaining a lil of that back. It makes me so inspired when my choices can instigate change in others.
Again- sorry for the delay in posts...I am hoping that today's entry will inspire more frequent musings from your truly!
Enjoy the day!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Have I Mentioned... busy I have been?
Jeez! I thought summer vacation was going to bring me so much time to cook so many more recipes from The Kind Diet...was I wrong? Granted I have been able to savor some tasty vegan dishes but have not had time to pick up the book in the last month.
Reasons why:
1) Marathon- finished (although heat demanded the course to close)
2) 1 st Triathlon- finished with a time of 1:39:11!!!!!!!
3) Recovery, recovery, recovery...repeat.
4) Training for a half mary with my friend (a first timer)!
5) Teaching some workout classes.
6) DOVE into hothouse yoga for a week. Really- almost every day.
7) Trips to see family and friends, meet-ups, etc.
8) Organized the home office. If you would have seen it- you would totally understand the time factor here.
So- with that said I am going to share a few of my experiences over the last month with eating outside the cookbook (which I will be back to this the way).
I have eaten out at a few local places this month and have been pleasantly surprised at the accommodations people will make for a vegan. Not only do they tend to go out of their way to find out what is in certain dishes but will substitute as needed. PLUS- then I get a healthier dish and know what I am putting in my body.
Example- The night before the triathlon I met up wit a large group of people I had trained with, at a local pasta place. The group leader had called and arranged a family style meal of spaghetti (with meat sauce), lasagna (also with meat) and meatballs, garlic bread baskets and salads also accompanied the main course. I asked the waitress if she had any vegan dishes. She not only gave me a gluten -free menu, she had the manager come speak with me, got me my own bread basket (sans dairy) and asked me to design my own pasta dish with their spinach noodles. It was delicious, healthy, and provided me with the carbs I needed for the race the next day.
This has been the case most places I go...granted it takes me more time to order, more trips for the waiter to ask questions of the kitchen, and an occasional visit from a manager but it provides me with a healthy meal minus the animal.
I have also been lucky enough to find a restaurant, here in town, that has a vegan menu! Yum!!! Jaimen was discovered one day while myself and my significant other were out running errands, got hungry, and decided to try something new. Will definitely be going back! Sweet potato fries, pasta and veggies, clean atmosphere, and knowledgeable staff. A+
One of the last things I will leave you with today, as I contemplate my next recipe, is a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine. We were out for a girl's night at a local winery when everyone ordered appetizers. This a was a rare case when nothing on the menu was vegan, except some pita chips that came with a dip. When I said something to my friend she asked me why I don't just be a vegetarian..."Wouldn't it be easier to just cut out meat? The dairy and egg would be hard for me."
My response: I am not vegan to make my life more difficult. At this point it is because I know too much about the things that are provided to us to eat. I have read too much, seen too much, and have learned too much to even have a desire to eat anything that is derived from an animal. I don't crave meat. I don't drive past an ice cream shop and yearn to order a treat. I don't think, even if the craving did someday present itself, that I could eat (or drink) something I know came from an animal. I just couldn't do it.
That was that. No more questions. I don't preach to people. I answer questions when people ask but never want to be pushy...just informative.
I would be interested to hear some of your experiences with this....questions/statements from family or friends and how you respond.
Also- If you would be so kind as to go to
and vote for my photo...I would really appreciate it! I am the bookworm under "Ahhh..Vega Summer!" Thanks!
I am now going to go find the next recipe! Back at it!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Chorizo Tacos!

Just a few, very simple ingredients (very easy to find...and cheap) and this recipe was enjoyed by all! All 2 of us that is!
Found some "Soyrizo" sausage (yum!), bought some delicious organic, local tomatoes, had the onions, bought the local spinach leaves and the soft organic tortillas as the co-op tonight and in just a matter of minutes we were delving into our tacos!
The "Soyrizo" was actually cheaper than the meat version found by my live-in meat he was more than happy to eat vegan tonight.
Nothing more to say here! Easy, cheap, and delicious.
Enjoy the pictures of the stages of our meal!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Pecan-Crusted Seitan...The Finale!

This recipe proved to be the something needed on a rainy, chilly evening such as it was last night.
I finished the recipe and had myself a nice heaping bowl, then discovered that maybe one of the reasons Alicia suggests replacing the "big dead bird" with this dish is due to the fact that it has the same after-effects...full and sleepy!
When I took the seitan (in marinade) out of the fridge it had set up so that the pieces of seitan were not so easy to find. I thought I needed to "dredge" the pieces one by one. Not so.
It would have been easier if I had taken scoops and covered them that way. I ended up doing just that after the first pan batch were finished cooking. I also needed to add more oil to complete the saute-ing process.
Note: I cooked up a batch of pasta with this as well (since it was pictured that way in the book).
My finished product was not quite as pretty as Alicia's, but it was delicious (hence the stuffed, tired version of me on the couch after eating).
The man of the house was delighted as well and made the comment that I had been cooking up some really good dishes lately. He asked if I wrote the ingredients down so I wouldn't forget them! With only moments to debate my response to this flattery, I went the 'good-karma' direction of letting him know the wise one Alicia had beat me to it.
Tonight I made another batch of Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups with the mad plan of taking them for "treat" day at work...all in the efforts to show my world of colleagues that vegan can be delicious!
Next Up: Chorizo Tacos!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Pecan Crusted Seitan...Day One
As I prepped the ingredients for the Seitan recipe I realized I needed to marinate the seitan for three hours (or in my case- overnight).
I made the sauce and as I mixed all these ingredients together (orange juice and shoyu???) I was a bit skeptical of how it would taste.
I used all the ingredients the recipe called for except the umeboshi vinegar (used apple cider) and minced garlic (used garlic powder).
Now- I should know by now, with all the recipes that have proved my initial thoughts to be wrong, that this recipe would be delicious but I was still not sure. So I tried a taste and, of course, it was yummy! I added the seitan to the sauce and it now sits in the fridge until tomorrow night when I finish it up and serve it with noodles.
In the meantime we are going to enjoy a dairy free Amy's pizza!
To be continued...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
But NOT without daily vegan-ness!
After reading Alicia's post a while back, I decided to make it kind of a mission to find more vegan friendly beauty products. I am now the proud owner of Pureology shampoo and conditioner and could not be happier! What a difference! My hair is super soft and all flowy in the wind. Yay!
I am also back to Bare Essentuals. I looked for other products but they get to be pretty pricey and BE is something I used before so I was not only familiar with how the product would look but know it lasts a long time for the price. Happy me!
On the food front- been eating a lot of salads, fruit, nuts, and bought some amazing tomatoes from the co-op so I am getting very excited for fresh, local produce from the Farmer's Markets.
Took mom, aunt, and sister out for lunch yesterday. Mom chose and she is always really great at picking places she thinks I will be able to eat too! Love her! I had one choice; fruit salad with spinach and mango vinaigrette (I also got two pieces of cranberry walnut bread). Tasty!
So- my plan is to cook up the crusty seitan tomorrow for dinner! Stay Tuned!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Panini Party!

I had my doubts about the Waffle, Sausage, and Cheese Panini. Apricot jam and Vegenaise? Ummm...okay.
I found Tofurky sausages at the Co-op and ended up getting the whole grain Belgium waffles. Skipped on the sun-dried tomatoes when the only jars on the shelf were $8 and the jar was so small! Nope- I figured I would make do and I did!
Cooked up the sausage (smelled real good) and mixed up the sauce. I was so curious as to how the jam and Vegenaise would taste I just had to take a finger dip. Who knew? So good!
Put the sandwich together, per recipe directions, subbing the sun-dried for salsa (drained via spoon on the side of the jar), then got out the trusty George Foreman(see pic) and grilled me up one of the finest vegan sandwiches with a side of sweet potato chips! Mmmm, mmmm!
Concerns pre-recipe:
Waffle sandwich? Never heard of such a thing!
Jam and Vegenaise? How can that be good?
At-Easeness post recipe:
Waffle sandwiches--bring on the experimenting!
The man of the house not only loved the jam and Vegenaise sauce, he went back for the leftovers and smothered it on his sandwiches (yep- he ate more than one!).
Messy, messy, messy but the recipe says that is as it should be!
Anyone else attempted this recipe? I would love to hear about it!
Up Next: Pecan-Crusted Seitan!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Barley, Barley, Ra, Ra, Ra!

Barley Casserole...finally.
Why did I wait so long? Well...I know why it had to wait but, if I had known it was going to be this good I would have sacrificed a few hours of sleep! I've never had Barley before and in just a few recipes I have been introduced to so many delicious foods!
The picture really does not do this dish justice and, because I didn't make it with the Tahini Dressing, your final product may not only look quite different but, odds are it will also taste different. I would love to hear feedback on the "real" recipe!
I had the hulled Barley ready to go because I had soaked it some time ago. But I brought it to a boil with water again and got the heat in there, then I sauteed the veggies (I only had a half an onion...maybe) and the shoyu (love it) and added all the seasonings. While all this was happening I failed to notice that my lil home was filling with smoke so I had to take the pan off the stove and air out the place before continuing! Should the fact that the smoke alarm did NOT go off concern me?
I mixed the barley and veggie concoction together and stirred it up before adding paprika (because it's supposed to be in the dressing) and some red pepper flakes (for a lil kick) and poured it into a dish. I didn't bake it and when I made myself a bit for dinner I added some salsa (did I mention how much I love salsa?).
Even with these changes the dish is delightful!
I feel such a sense of "ahhhh" after making this recipe. I am excited to move on to the next section (proteins) and hate that I had to put off this recipe for so seemed to looooom over me!
Lesson Learned: Don't let the things you love turn into the have to's. I give myself permission to skip around a bit, when in need of recipes that fit better into the day.
Any recipe revelations to share?
Next up- Waffle, Sausage, and Cheese Panini!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
This week was a barrage of happenings. It will explain my need to hold off on cooking ANYTHING!
1) Car stolen. Yep- stolen. Good news...we stole it back the same day! BUT the situation cause me to lose time at work, make a zillion phone calls and help my man (whose car was stolen) get everything worked out with all involved.
2)Triple workouts (swim, bike, run) on the same day due to loss of workout day (see previous event). Late night. Dinner was popcorn.
3) Earth Day means a trip to the Co-op where I bought some yummy began treats to take on our long weekend (vegan muffins, soy jerky, apples, pita chips, and vegan "Hearts"). Got a fab cloth bag too!
3a) Had to pick up bike from her tune-up.
4) Out of town to see man's sister (she spoke at a local college), my family, and running Crazylegs (8K) Saturday. Time of 42:43!
4a) Trip to Trader Joe's! Many VEGAN goodies and all labeled for my shopping convenience! Eggplant, edamame hummus, frozen veggies, almond butter, bread, etc.
5) Back in town in time to head to friend's birthday party.
6) Tri Clinic (10 mile bike ride)plus ten miles of running!
So- the Barley is in the plan for tomorrow. In the meantime, please let me know what your experiences have been like as a vegan, cooking from the book, or just in life in general!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Barley Takes a Backseat

I truly had every intention of making the Barley Casserole...then I realized (this afternoon, pre-cookage, that I had not soaked it overnight. Darn!
Instead I made the Hot Rice with Cold Lemon, Basil, and Tomato (HRCLBT) AND the Coffee Fudge Brownies. I figured that would be all the time my feet would allow me to stand. Crazy workouts today (ugh).
The HRCLBT was, again, really easy! I hesitate with rice because I always feel like I am going to make it too sticky, too hard, too moist, too dry (you get the picture). But- the recipe says to drain any excess water so that made me feel more confident going into this recipe. While the rice cooked I chopped the tomatoes (I forgot how good local tomatoes are--ate a few). The recipe calls for a 1/2 cup but since it also said "or as much as you want" I decided to add a full cup.
I bought a fresh basil plant from the Co-op yesterday so that was so fun to work with- smells sooo good!
The dish turned out just fine- looks fresh and summer-y and tastes just as fresh!
I made the Coffee Fudge Brownies for work a few months ago and the glaze hardened and the brownies were crumbly. It was still very good but since most the people at my work are used to solid brownies, I ended up eating most the dish.
This time I added granola instead of walnuts (just because I was outta walnuts) and the mixture seemed thicker as I stirred. I used brown rice syrup instead of the maple sugar and I believe the finished product is proof of that...
The brownies are still somewhat crumbly (though not as much as the first batch) but also not as sweet. Maybe I didn't add enough syrup? The glaze adds sweetness so it tastes like a dessert due to that reason.
I would love to hear how this recipe goes for someone else! Tips? Substitutions?
I had a long run today and am looking for fuel for my runs. Ever since I went to the "kind" side I have had trouble with endurance fuel. I found some energy bites called Simbree and those are okay but I would like to find something I can carry with me on runs that fuel similar to that of Gu. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I WILL soak the barley tonight...Barley Casserole tomorrow! I am holding off on the desserts for a while but may make the Cornbread!
Have a Kind Day!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Couscous and PB Cups!

The Plan: To spend most the day cooking recipes from The Kind Diet to catch up from the days this past week that really wiped me.
The Reality: Being away from home most the day and cooking two of the 5 recipes intended.
The Kindness: I was able to eat lunch at a local vegan-friendly restaurant, see my sister, spend time with my man, purchase a much needed pair of tri bike shorts, and buy the ingredients needed for these recipes.
The Benefit: I received some news about my father today and cooking tonight was a way for me to think, get anger out, put my mind somewhere else for moments...
I went into the evening planning only to make the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups (CPBC). They are quick and easy and I have made them so many times that I almost don't need the recipe. I have made them for others using organic graham crackers but when I make them for myself I use Annie's Honey Bunny Grahams (I smash them in a baggie with a mini hammer- which was VERY therapeutic tonight). I also use brown rice syrup instead of the maple sugar (I have looked everywhere for maple sugar that doesn't cost a fortune). I use Vegan Carob Chips although I have used non-dairy chocolate chips for others but the carob chips just taste better to me (really!).
When the CPBC were chillin in the fridge I decided I might as well make the Moroccan Couscous with Saffron (minus the saffron). I followed the recipe up until it called for saffron threads and scallions. I used curry, turmeric, and a red spice I found in the cupboard that turned out to be real spicy! Thank goodness I like spicy.
The recipe, for the most part, was rather easy. When I read it I really didn't think it would be, but chopping the veggies made me feel like a real cook and while they roasted I could work on the veggie broth situation. I was thrilled when I mixed the broth and the veggies and couscous and the smell was familiar (to couscous dishes I have had in restaurants).
While the mixture "stood" for 15 minutes I was able to get the dished done! Bonus!
When I lifted the lid a lovely smell greeted me and, although I was not hungry, had a few forkfuls. Yum! Another pleasant and "kind" surprise!
While this was a great recipe, and I am eager to make the Barley Casserole, Hot Rice with Cold Lemon, Basil, and Tomatoes and the Coffee Fudge Brownies tomorrow, I know that cooking tomorrow will only temporarily take my mind off the reality of the situation.
I am so grateful for my followers and look forward to posting and reading your comments!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Radacchio and Repeat...
I had all intention to make the Couscous with Saffron tonight but I went to a spin class (Day 2 in my Tri training) and got home late so settled for another Radicchio Pizza. The recipe is so easy and tonight I added soy black beans to give it some flare (and protein). Mighty tasty!
I have yet to figure out a way to keep the toppings in their place. I grated the "cheese" to the bottom, then put the radicchio on that and then added the beans and sprinkled more of the "cheese", thinking it would hold it all together. Nope. But the toppings and crust are so good it doesn't matter. Love it together and love it apart. I didn't take a picture because the pizza looks the same as the other but with black beans.
Couscous tomorrow!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Rustic Pasta...the Rusticker the Better!

When I first scanned over the recipe for Rustic Pasta last night I could only think how late I was going to be eating due to a late meeting and the man wanting to go for a run (can't pass up a run when I just got new shoes!).
But, alas, the kindness of the universe fell upon me and the meeting was cancelled. I arrived home thinking I would have my work cut out for me, then read the recipe more thoroughly and realized it only looked lengthy because Alicia added in a nice lil note about making garlic bread to go with the dish!
As I waited for the water to boil for the pasta I chopped the veggies. Two whole onions (whew! cry!), garlic, celery, and cabbage (lots n lots of cabbage). I did not have the shoyu (where in the world do I get this?!?) and not having it only intrigues me more...
Pasta was boiled and waiting as I eagerly sauteed the onions. They cooked up a lot faster than the recipe stated (odds are it was more me and not the recipe) and I added all the other veggies in the order in which they appear in the recipe (like an kind cook would do). Now, the cabbage had me perplexed for a bit. There was a lot of cabbage and NOT a lot of room in my pan but it cooked and worked its way into a nice noodle-looking, smaller version of what it once and all was well in the world. Added the pasta, then the sauce, and stared, in wonder, at this crazy combo of good, healthy food. Rustic? Yes. Delicious? Absolutely. Surprised? Most definitely. Why? Because the thought of all these foods (the cabbage and onion to be exact...because I am not a fan) joining forces to make a dish this fantastic was not something I was prepared for upon my first bite.
This vegan is ready to be surprised again tomorrow!
On the menu for Wednesday- a recipe with saffron threads. WHAT are those?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Here We Go!!

Radicchio Pizza with Truffle Oil (minus the truffle oil)
I got pretty excited to start this so last night I tallied up the recipes and wrote down what I would need for the first three recipes. I also thought that by starting with the first recipes and working my way to Superhero recipes would make for a delightful transition into the cape!
I went to the local Co-op tonight and got everything I needed minus the umeboshi plum, shoyu, saffron threads, and scallions (I will be looking for those tomorrow as they were not needed for tonight's recipe). I also passed up the truffle oil due to the price (yikes!)
Arrived home, flipped open The Kind Diet, read through the recipe and prepared this VERY easily. I used only half the radicchio since the pizza crust was small and I think I added a bit too much olive oil but it turned out great! I added some grated veggie cheese before putting it in the oven.
The man of the house was very curious...suppose he had never seen anything quite like it- so healthy! He tried a slice then tried another! Loved it! It was very filling and I will be enjoying the leftovers tomorrow for lunch!
Notes for Next Time: Less olive oil. Grate the "cheese" on first, then add the radicchio.
Saving the World One Recipe at a Time...
The Kind Diet has roughly 109 recipes. I have already made the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups numerous times (yum!) and the Raw Balls (yum again) but will make them again for the sake of this blog (like that will be such torture!). I figure if I make a main dish and maybe a dessert or drink with it almost every night I can cook all the recipes in about three months. I plan to make this enjoyable and informational for both myself and readers so I don't want to say I will cook a recipe every night...but will let you know how the leftovers are those "cookless" nights!
I hope you enjoy this journey with me!