Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saving the World One Recipe at a Time...

I watched the movie Julie and Julia last night and thought "What a great idea!"...kept that thought even after watching Julie break down in the middle of stuffing a chicken (maybe because I knew I would never be stuffing a chicken with whatever I would cook). I thought about the kinds of recipes I would want to make from just one cookbook. Being just a few months vegan I knew it would have to be from a book that didn't have over 700 pages and wouldn't take me a year (like the one from the movie). I also knew it would have to be from a book I enjoy and have wanted to cook more out of but wasn't making the time...all these thoughts (and so many more) led me to the conclusion to cook through The Kind Diet.

The Kind Diet has roughly 109 recipes. I have already made the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups numerous times (yum!) and the Raw Balls (yum again) but will make them again for the sake of this blog (like that will be such torture!). I figure if I make a main dish and maybe a dessert or drink with it almost every night I can cook all the recipes in about three months. I plan to make this enjoyable and informational for both myself and readers so I don't want to say I will cook a recipe every night...but will let you know how the leftovers are those "cookless" nights!

I hope you enjoy this journey with me!


  1. Congrats on starting this blog! I read the book last weekend and was really inspired. I will enjoy checking in and seeing how you are doing and it is always nice to have input from someone using the same recipes. Good luck! Meg

  2. Thanks Meg! I am pretty excited. I have been dabbling with a few of the recipes but this will be a great chance to get a taste of them all! I look forward to your feedback as well.

  3. I think this is going to be a fun adventure to follow with you!

  4. This is great. I'm doing it too. Check out my blog you don't have to hug trees to be green
